
Most common acute surgical condition in pediatric age group incident is nearly nine percent in male children and seven percent in female children.

appendicitis operation by dr sankkarabarathi

What do you see – Presentation

Pain Abdomen followed by vomiting
Decreased appetite, Indigestion; Mild fever

When I see such patients, I find..

Tender Abdomen in right lower portion below the belly button
Blood test (raised total counts and raised polymorphs)
USG Abdomen – Probe tenderness in Right iliac fossa, some time thickened ,turgid appx can be seen in USG, it rules out other causes
X ray abdomen of delayed appendicular perforation shows features of intestinal obstruction.

Other Causes

Ureteral or renal calculus ovarian cyst

Why Treatment…??

Because if you don’t operate complications like appendicular perforation (hole in the intestine), pelvic abscess (pus in the tummy) and intestinal obstruction can occur.

What is new in treatment?

Now a days we operate all appendicitis whether early or late by LAPARASCOPIC METHOD. This has advantage of inspecting the entire abdomen

Follow Up care

The hospital stay is for three days, the child can take normal food after 24 hrs of surgery, stitches dissolvable follow up visit after 10 days, can go to school after ten days.

My Experience

I have done more than three thousand open appendicectomies and a thousand laparoscopic appendicectomies, the problems almost nil in both.