Habit Constipation
This is one of the common condition - a child with constipation may have bowel movements less frequently than normal, hard bowel movements, or large, difficult, painful bowel movements.
What do you see – Presentation
Pain a child may delay moving their bowels if they do not have a place where they feel comfortable having a bowel movement, or if they are busy and ignore the need to use the toilet. When the child does have a bowel movement, it can be painful and lead them to withhold (avoid going) in an effort to avoid more pain.
When I see such patients, I find..
On occasion, a child may develop a tear in the anus (anal fissure) after passing a large or hard bowel movement. The pain from the tear can lead to with-holding. Barium enema test has to be done.
Treatment why...?...when..?
Treatment is recommended if your child has hard or painful stools. Treating pain early can help prevent your child from withholding, which can lead to chronic constipation.
Treatment options
Toilet training - For all children, encourage a routine, unhurried time on the toilet. Fruit juice, High-fibre foods. Rectal Manometry. Rectal biopsy to rule out Hirschsprung disease.
My Experience
I have treated more than five hundred cases of Habit Constipation successfully.
Dr. C. SankkaraBarathi
MBBS, MS (Gen), MCh (Paediatric Surgery)
Paediatric Surgeon
Paediatric Urologist
Quick Contact
- SRI SAINATH HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH INTITUTE, Old No.11, New No.9, McNichols Road, 4th Lane, Chetpet, Chennai – 600031 (Opp. to Chetpet Police Station)
- 044-28363234 / 28361535 / 48639988 / 42867758
- 9840113875
My Advice on Common Conditions
Undescended Testis
Undescended testis is found in 3% of term boys and 30% of preterm boys.
When the baby is formed in the womb, the testis is initially formed inside the baby’s belly.
Wilms Tumour
This is one of the most common childhood tumour, it affect the kidney, usually affects school going kids, one of the good prognostic tumour.
Narrowing of foreskin or non retractile foreskin. Empty scrotum one side or both sides, can be identify in new born. It can descend in three to four months without any intervention.
Tongue Tie
Is a congenital oral anomaly which may decrease mobility of tongue tip & is caused by an unusually short thick lingual frenulum.
Abnormal opening of Urethral opening in the under surface of penis, very common pediatric urological problem Incidence is one in five hundred.
Intussusception is the invagination of one part of intestine into another. This occurs in one in 2000 infants. It is the most common abdominal emergency in infants.
Habit Constipation
This is one of the common condition - a child with constipation may have bowel movements less frequently than normal, hard bowel movements, or large, difficult, painful bowel movements.
Hernia - Hydrocele
A small passage has developed or left open connecting the belly to baby's groin, the second common surgical condition next to phimosis.
Most common acute surgical condition in pediatric age group incident is nearly nine percent in male children and seven percent in female children.
Congenital pyloric stenosis
This occurs between 4th week of age to 6 week of age, can occur in new born also, exact cause not known.